Are you feeling isolated and alone? Is your social life suffering?
Numerous friends/colleagues asked me to offer up my perspective on this. I can tell you right up front, this will need to be two separate blog posts, maybe more. :) Yes, I could suggest different types of groups and organizations to join, etc., but if you aren't presenting yourself in the most positive manner, all the outings in the world won't matter now, will they? So, let's talk about “presence.” How DO YOU come across to others? What is the first impression or vibe that you give off? What is your “carriage” like? I remember being at a business networking happy hour years ago. I was chatting it up with a delightful young man who stated: “The most attractive thing about a woman is her carriage.” Hmmmm, (This could apply to all genders by the way). I had never heard the term used in that manner before. I asked him to explain. In summary: It's not all about your expensive outfit, or handbag, or shoes (although the outfit does matter). What matters most is how you carry yourself, that “first impression.” It's about your “presence,” “your energy.” Do you walk into a room with a smile and a confident stride, radiating positive energy out into the world? If so, I guarantee that positive people will be drawn to you. Challenge: The next time you're out and about, you might consider “people watching.” Who would YOU be drawn to in a crowd, and why? Make note of those commonalities and watch for my post next week with concrete ideas on how to specifically get out and meet people, and develop a social life and build new relationships again. For those of you brave enough to actually try this challenge, I'd love to hear back from you. Until next time, Be grateful, Be well. Lynn
We've heard it many times, “change your state.” But seriously, what does that even mean? You think you understand but it seems so hard. If this sounds like you, I get it. I used to feel the same way. Allow me to break it down and make it do-able for you.
First off ~ the only thing over which you have complete control is your mind. Your mind controls your “inner world” or emotions, your “state.” You cannot control people, situations, or circumstances outside of yourself, BUT you can control how you react to them. Why bother you ask? Well, if you want to have a nice life and be successful with your career and relationships and finances, etc., you'll want to learn how to manage your emotions. Trust me, keep reading, Please make sure the people you go to for advice or strategies are those people who are getting results for themselves. If you're seeing a business coach to grow your business but they haven't had personal success themselves, you may need a different coach. Be keenly aware of past stories you tell yourself – they may be true but they're not going to bring you the results you want by placing your focus there. Remember, energy flows where focus goes, and “it's all energy.” Give up old stories that limit you. Come up with new ones that will serve you better. Example: I've never been good at sales and everyone hates sales people. Really? Is this really true? Of course not. I spent the last 30 years in the world of sales/marketing and learned from some of the best. We don't hate sales people, we hate people that don't listen or ask the right questions. We hate feeling pressured or “sold to.” So what's a better story you can tell yourself? How about this: “I don't feel very comfortable in sales, but this is a great opportunity for me and I will find a good sales/career coach who will teach me to be successful.” Changing your story will change your emotional state, which determines how you think and feel, which puts you in a higher vibrating state, which helps you attract people, situations, and circumstances that quickly help you achieve your goals and dreams. It simply boils down to where you “focus”!! If you hang on to your old stories and choose to focus on those, you'll get more of the same. BUT, if you dare to change where you place your focus, you will get in your creative zone, come up with better strategies, and no person, no thing, will be able to stop you. Guaranteed. You WILL succeed and feel great joy in the process! I wish you the best as you change your focus and change your state! In this post you will learn some simple, effective ways to connect with even the most difficult people. This post will help build your confidence when meeting new people or when reconnecting with difficult people. Guaranteed!
Happy Connecting!
Are you self employed ? Maybe part of an MLM? Was your business on a good roll but now for some reason you're feeling “stuck” or “stagnant” and can't seem to get out of your rut? If so, this post is for you! We will cover some simple ways to shift your energy to get you “unstuck” and back in your “happy zone.”
First, do something that has nothing to do with your business. Remember, everything is energy and if you feel stagnant with your business – then a sure way to reverse that is to put your attention on something more pleasing. This will move your energy in a more positive direction. Example: Do something you love (go buy a fresh bouquet of flowers, get outside for a walk in nature, grab your journal and start writing, call a friend who is a high vibrating soul, do some yoga, take a bath, etc.) Once you feel somewhat better sit in a place of quiet stillness and ask yourself the following: (Grab your journal and take notes). “What are the favorite parts of my business?” “Why did I decide to go into this business?” “What's my WHY?” “What am I really good at and passionate about?” “What feeds my soul?” “Have I been listening to others and comparing myself rather than following my own intuition and doing what I feel is best?” “Am I following my heart and my loves or am I listening to others?” Next, reflect on the things you were doing in your self care arena when things were flowing with your business. What is different lately? Do your best to identify when you first started getting off track. Possibly you've neglected your morning ritual or gotten off track with daily exercise, or maybe you've been eating more junk foods and not drinking enough water, getting to bed too late and not getting enough sleep... You get the picture. Sometimes it's OK to just feel stuck. We are not meant to always be “ON.” Please re-read this statement and let it sink in. The key is to give yourself a time frame to be off track, and then hop back on when your time is up. This might be an hour, a day, or a week. Just remember, “what we resist persists.” So if you resist when you're stuck and pressure yourself to keep forging forward, you will make matters worse. The magic happens when we create space, in our minds and in our physical environment. Our answers lie in the quiet, magical places of stillness and creativity. And who doesn't want to have some magic happening in their life? |